Video Notes for Code School Ember - Level 1

I find that I am a better learner when I attack learning through different mediums and through different points of view. In conjunction with reading Ambitious Ember Applications, I am also watching the Code School videos on Ember. I will be posting my notes from these videos for you (and myself).

Setting Up Ember

  • Ember depends on jQuery, handlebars, ember, ember-data
  • We need a single object to contain all the functionality of our app (namespaced as App), think of it as the root of the app, everything grows from here
var App = Ember.Application.create({ });
  • Ember adds a body class and data-ember-extension to your code (so Ember knows what is can control)
  • To wrap HTML inside Handlebars template
<script type='text/x-handlebars'>
// Put HTML in here
  • Each Handlebar template is in a unique div
  • Handlebars works just like HTML, uses handlebars for templating, the part of the application that people see

Named Templates

  • Handlebar expressions allow us to insert expressions into out HTML
  • Name templates
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='templateName'>
// Put HTML in here
  • We need a way to tell our templates where to render on the page
  • Handlebar expression outlet gives our code a hint as to where templates should be inserted
  • If our application template hits an outlet, it is going to look for a template named index and render that in the place of outlet

The Router

  • How do we render other templates besides the index template and map it to a URL?
  • Ember Router translates a path into a route
  • All requests start at the router{
  • Every page on the website is defined by the router. When an outlet is found, the template is loaded into it
  • All application is loaded through one file (index.html)
  • All templates are sent over at initial load from the client
  • At that point it loads up individual templates to load out onto the screen
  • The # tells the browser that there is nothing else to load (without the hash will look for another file path)
  • To load up a different path from a route, use a JS object{
  this.route('routeName', { path: '/newPathName' });
  • Base URL/index route is done automatically (default behavior is to load the default template)